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ACSAC works to include young people in development programs

Posted on 12-12-2019


Organisation Name
Please select your registration date
01 April 2000 2:00 am
Does the organization maintain financials?
Organisation Types
Youth-led organisation, Youth-serving organisation
Country of operation
Organisation website – full URL
Short mission statement
ACSAC works to include young people in development programs
Focus areas
Employment and Entrepreneurship, Education and Skills Development, Governance and Youth Empowerment
Full link to Twitter account
Organisation address in text format for site search purposes
Lot 373 LOM Nava Akpakpa, Cotonou, Benin Republic
Mission of the organization
A non-governmental organization created to serve
as a framework for reflection, design, and implementation of community development action plans in Benin and throughout Africa. ACSAC engages all its forces to enable people to develop economic activities that can improve their living conditions by carrying out a set of social actions in synergy with social organizations to maximize impact.
Full link to Facebook page
Full name of organisation’s contact person
Social impact Statement
The youth Unit proposed the project
"University Students, Heart of Sustainable
Development" and organized the Forum on
Action for Sustainable Development and the
role of Youth, developing three initiatives.
Youth Talks which presents the
actions of the Youth through a webcast, the
SDGs Digital Library for students and PhD
students and the SDGs School in Benin.
Full link to LinkedIn
Email address of the organisation
Total number of staff members?
Number of beneficiaries?
1,000-100 000
Telephone Number
Number of staff 18-40?
Countries covered, or geographic footprint

Is the organisation registered/certified
Is the organization profit-making?

Youth organisation location

Lom-Nava, Cotonou, Benin
995 hits Report Recommend:

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