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Building the capacities of African Youth & reviving PanAfricanism

Posted on 03-04-2020


Organisation Name
African Youth Bureau
Country of operation
Please advise on source of funding / donor(s)
Egyptian Ministry of Youth and Sports
Organisation Types
Youth-led organisation
Focus areas
Employment and Entrepreneurship, Education and Skills Development, Health and Wellbeing, Governance and Youth Empowerment
Organisation website – full URL
Short mission statement
Building the capacities of African Youth & reviving PanAfricanism
Mission of the organization
The African Youth Bureau is a unit created within the Egyptian Ministry of Youth and Sports in February 2014 to develop African relations through youth, by establishing partnerships and implementing programs for the continent with national institutions concerned with youth and the African Union, to consolidate African values established by the founding fathers of the Organization of African Unity in 1963. These are the values endorsed by the Africa Agenda 2063.
The African Youth Bureau was accredited as the point of contact, in July 2014, by the AU Commission for Human Resources, Science and Technology.
The Bureau seeks to empower young Africans through the development of their economic and cultural capacities through the implementation of knowledge exchange programs and capacity building in order for them to become a dynamic and influential force on the world stage, to bring us a step closer towards the Africa that we want; based on Egypt's 2030 vision at the national level, the Agenda of Africa 2063 at the continental level and the SDGs 2030 at the global level.
Full link to Twitter account
Organisation address in text format for site search purposes
26th Of July St., Mohandeseen, Giza In Front Of El Zamalek Club، 26th of July Corridor, Gazirat Mit Oqbah, Agouza, Giza Governorate, Egypt
Social impact Statement
The African Youth Bureau has different programmes that work on building the capacities of the African Youth in line with the African Youth Charter, African Agenda 2063, SDGs 2030 and 1million by 2021 initiative with over 100000 beneficiaries per year:
In 2018 the Bureau implemented the following:
“Africa Corridor” Salon: The Minister of Youth and Sports with African Student Unions.
= the Nile Ship program for the youth of Arab and the Nile Basin countries with 220 young men and women from Arab and Nile Basin countries as beneficiaries.
The first forum for the youth of Egypt and Sudan to build solidarity between youth as 100 young men and women from Egypt and Sudan participated.
-Participation in the meetings of the Technical Committee for Youth, Sports and Culture in Algeria. (STC)
-The meeting of the African Affairs Committee in the Parliament with the Minister of Youth and Sports to present the ministry's plan to enhance the orientation towards the African continent
- Pan Africa School 2063 - Batch 1 with 100 young male and female leaders from Egypt and the rest of the African countries with the aim of Capacity building for community leaders in African affairs locally.
Participation in the African Film Club in partnership with Luxor African Film Festival.
As for 2019 the activities included:
Participation in the first African health conference
- Launch an introductory series on the Founding Fathers of the African Union in the five languages to Revive and define the role of the founding fathers of the African Union.
- “Africa Corridor” Salon: "Refugees, returnees and internally displaced persons: towards durable solutions to forced displacement in Africa with 50 young men and women working in the refugee field -Specialized round table. with the aim of Transferring Egypt's experience in hosting refugees.
- Sports festival for all Glory to our continent with 1000 Egyptian students / ambassadors of Cameroon, Niger / South Africa / Rwanda / Kenya / Ghana / President of the African Unions.
African Child Art Festival
" A Continent unite us" with 400 Egyptian and African child.
- “Africa Corridor” Salon: The Science, Technology & Innovation Strategy for Africa 2024 with 50 young men and women graduate of applied sciences.
"Idea and Story" initiative launched as one of the outputs of Pan Africa School 2063 for over 100 students.
- Nasser Leadership fellowship - Batch 1 with 100 leader from 42 African countries,under the auspices of the Cabinet of Ministers
-The launch of the "Africa My Continent" initiative, as one of the outputs of Pan Africa School 2063
-Launching Egypt's youth portal in Swahili
- Launching the "Excellence Award" for African young journalists and media professionals in the field of youth and sports
- The first marathon for African youth
-The 64th Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights (ACHPR)
-Pan African Youth Forum
-Graduation ceremony for Sudanese students in Egypt for the year 2018/2019
-"Africa corridor Salon" delegation of the Ugandan Peer Review Mechanism popularize the pilot Egyptian experience in the areas of planning, governance and youth empowerment
-Training on the African Union Model in the AU HQ
- Hosting African Union youth Volunteer Corps program (AU-YVC) under the auspices of H.E. President Abdel Fattah Elsisi
-International Conference of Sports anti-Corruption
10th Arab-African Youth Forum
Arab - African Youth Cooperation with 300 Youth.
- African Capsule information campgain

Full link to Facebook page
Full name of organisation’s contact person
Hassan Ghazaly
Full name of Founder / President
Hassan Ghazaly - Vice President of the Pan African Youth Union - North Africa
Full link to Instagram
Email address of the organisation
Total number of staff members?
Full link to YouTube
Telephone Number
+20 100 833 0833
Number of staff 18-40?
WhatsApp Number
+20 100 833 0833
Is the organisation registered/certified
Is the organization profit-making?
Number of beneficiaries?
More than 100 000
Please select your registration date
01 February 2014 2:00 am
Does the organization maintain financials?
Countries covered, or geographic footprint
Egypt/ Sudan / Algeria/ Libya/ South Sudan/ Ethiopia/ Somalia/ DR Congo/ Malawi/ Zimbabwe/ Zambia/ Sierra Leone/ Kenya / Uganda/ Rwanda / Nigeria/ Cameroon/ South Africa
Registration body / Regulator
Egyptian Ministry of Youth and Sports

Youth organisation location

26th Of July St., Mohandeseen, Giza In Front Of El Zamalek Club، 26th of July Corridor, Gazirat Mit Oqbah, Agouza, Giza Governorate, Egypt
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