Directory Search

Congo, Republic of the
Apolitical, non-denominational

Posted on 30-03-2020


Organisation Name
Pan Africain Youth Network for a Culture of Peace
Registration body / Regulator
Ministry of the Interior
Total number of staff members?
Organisation Types
Youth-led organisation, Youth-serving organisation
Country of operation
Congo, Republic of the
Number of staff 18-40?
Short mission statement
Apolitical, non-denominational
Focus areas
Education and Skills Development, Health and Wellbeing, Governance and Youth Empowerment
Is the organization profit-making?
Organisation address in text format for site search purposes
134, Boulevard Maréchal Lyautey
Mission of the organization
Promote the culture of peace;
Promote equal opportunities and human rights;
Promote comprehensive sex education
Does the organization maintain financials?
Full name of organisation’s contact person
Lickiby Brusly Clichy
Social impact Statement
More 4532 young people sensitized within the framework of the project the different words only one language peace;

965 young girls sensitized on comprehensive sex education
Please advise on source of funding / donor(s)
UNESCO/ Union Africaine
Email address of the organisation
Full name of Founder / President
John Paul Ekene
Organisation website – full URL
Telephone Number
+242 068506110
Full name of co-founders
Loïc Nkulu
WhatsApp Number
+242 068506110
Telephone Number - alternate
+2424 055334820
Full name of co-founders
Edna Baniakina
Number of beneficiaries?
Is the organisation registered/certified
Full name of co-founders
Ada Sveltana
Countries covered, or geographic footprint
Républic of Congo
Please select your registration date
01 April 2018 2:00 am
Full name of current President/CEO
LICKIBY Brusly Clichy

Youth organisation location

Brazzaville, République du Congo
732 hits Report Recommend:

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